Exciting news...Baby K'Tan in stock now! I cannot tell you how much I love this carrier. It has a similar concept to our Vija Skin-to-Skin shirts and suits bubs between 3.5 - 16kg. A cross between a wrap, sling and carrier but so much easier to use than most wraps and no buckles or "hard bits". We love this carrier and so does Sophia! >>>>K'Tan Baby Carrier>>>
Also more exciting news - ComoTomo is in Australia! I first discovered these amazing bottles on a trip to Singapore when I was pregnant. Their wide design is so easy to clean (no bottle brush required!) and their large, soft teat and design, mimics breastfeeding. The silicone, BPA free bottle is so soft and squishy, babies love the "natural" feel of this.
When Sophia was in NICU she was unable to breastfeed due to her Chronic Lung DIsease - breathing, sucking and swallowing was too hard for her. I tried many bottles and this was the ONLY one she could suck from without having any desaturations in her oxygen. The soft teat is incomparable and unique, and so well suited to the soft sucking you often get from preemies. The best thing for me was, once her little lungs improved when she was home, she easily switched to breastfeeding without an issue at all. Sophia now breasts and bottle feeds (with the ComoTomo) with no issues or confusion.
I had been trying to source these bottles since then, and have finally discovered they are coming to Australia in July! Watch this space, I will let you know when they are in stock!
Love >>>go to K'Tan Baby Carrier>>>>
Ali x
Also more exciting news - ComoTomo is in Australia! I first discovered these amazing bottles on a trip to Singapore when I was pregnant. Their wide design is so easy to clean (no bottle brush required!) and their large, soft teat and design, mimics breastfeeding. The silicone, BPA free bottle is so soft and squishy, babies love the "natural" feel of this.
When Sophia was in NICU she was unable to breastfeed due to her Chronic Lung DIsease - breathing, sucking and swallowing was too hard for her. I tried many bottles and this was the ONLY one she could suck from without having any desaturations in her oxygen. The soft teat is incomparable and unique, and so well suited to the soft sucking you often get from preemies. The best thing for me was, once her little lungs improved when she was home, she easily switched to breastfeeding without an issue at all. Sophia now breasts and bottle feeds (with the ComoTomo) with no issues or confusion.
I had been trying to source these bottles since then, and have finally discovered they are coming to Australia in July! Watch this space, I will let you know when they are in stock!
Love >>>go to K'Tan Baby Carrier>>>>
Ali x