This week I have been doing a lot of reflecting on how life "outside" NICU in the real world can be a shock after months and months in NICU. The everyday commute, constant washing hands, disinfecting, pumping 3 hourly and excitement of cares and kangaroo cuddles had been our every day for 3 months - it began to feel the normal and what we relate to the survival and care of our precious babies. Don't get me wrong, I don't miss the emotional roller coaster or the constant up and downs! But there is something about a community, a family of NICU nurses, doctors, fellow NICU parents and social workers that makes one feel stronger and that the impossible is possible...
Now that we have been home for some time now, our biggest support has been the NICU families that we met and have remained close to. Our Facebook groups, texts and regular catch up has been a god send to helping us ask the constant questions, ease our worries and get ideas and tips on raising a preemie. Going through such a traumatic journey, which often starts from early in the pregnancy, changes your life forever; you will never be the same person you were before you entered this journey. We found the generosity and kindness from strangers and unexpected places, and how big people's hearts can be.
Simple everyday things. like going to the shops and crowded places, after being in antenatal and NICU for months, would stress me easily and give me a headache. Explaining to people her age - corrected versus actual and then why she was born preemie would be stressful - recalling our journey would sometimes be too overwhelming. My comparison to this would be "post-traumatic stress"- We all spend so long trying to be strong in NICU and soldier on that the tears often come later...much later, often only once you are home.
This is one of the reason I set up My Preemie Baby - not only do I want to recommend products, that will help when all of you are finally home, but to have that comfort and support of knowing that all these products, advise and stories are from fellow NICU mums and dads who had a preemie too. That the journey never ends when you get home, but it continues for long after. That sometimes it is the "after" part, where you need the most support, but don't have (now that all the nurses and doctors are gone!).
A lot of preemies suffer from reflux and this often shows itself in full force once you are home. I am currently on a mission to find products that help ease this and bring relief to parents as well as bubs. This week we stocked Dr Brown bottles, a well known product that helps relieve colic and reflux. The best thing is it comes in small sizes (60ml) and with preemie teats - prefect for expressed breast milk. We also found the Gia breastfeeding pillow which has an incline (almost like a wedge shape), so reflux babies can still breastfeed without regurgitating/ spit up.
We are always open for suggestions on products you have found useful for your preemie and would love to hear from other mums and dads. Please also share your story on our "Preemie Stories" page - a lot of mums have found this a help to the healing process, and knowing you are helping give hope to other parents is invaluable. E-mail: info@babysavings.com.au
I often get asked by other preemie mums if I still cry when I hold Sophia and recall our journey....my answer is "at least once a day!"....
Ali xox
>>>Shop for Dr Brown's Bottles >>>> Shop for Gia Feeding Pillow
Now that we have been home for some time now, our biggest support has been the NICU families that we met and have remained close to. Our Facebook groups, texts and regular catch up has been a god send to helping us ask the constant questions, ease our worries and get ideas and tips on raising a preemie. Going through such a traumatic journey, which often starts from early in the pregnancy, changes your life forever; you will never be the same person you were before you entered this journey. We found the generosity and kindness from strangers and unexpected places, and how big people's hearts can be.
Simple everyday things. like going to the shops and crowded places, after being in antenatal and NICU for months, would stress me easily and give me a headache. Explaining to people her age - corrected versus actual and then why she was born preemie would be stressful - recalling our journey would sometimes be too overwhelming. My comparison to this would be "post-traumatic stress"- We all spend so long trying to be strong in NICU and soldier on that the tears often come later...much later, often only once you are home.
This is one of the reason I set up My Preemie Baby - not only do I want to recommend products, that will help when all of you are finally home, but to have that comfort and support of knowing that all these products, advise and stories are from fellow NICU mums and dads who had a preemie too. That the journey never ends when you get home, but it continues for long after. That sometimes it is the "after" part, where you need the most support, but don't have (now that all the nurses and doctors are gone!).
A lot of preemies suffer from reflux and this often shows itself in full force once you are home. I am currently on a mission to find products that help ease this and bring relief to parents as well as bubs. This week we stocked Dr Brown bottles, a well known product that helps relieve colic and reflux. The best thing is it comes in small sizes (60ml) and with preemie teats - prefect for expressed breast milk. We also found the Gia breastfeeding pillow which has an incline (almost like a wedge shape), so reflux babies can still breastfeed without regurgitating/ spit up.
We are always open for suggestions on products you have found useful for your preemie and would love to hear from other mums and dads. Please also share your story on our "Preemie Stories" page - a lot of mums have found this a help to the healing process, and knowing you are helping give hope to other parents is invaluable. E-mail: info@babysavings.com.au
I often get asked by other preemie mums if I still cry when I hold Sophia and recall our journey....my answer is "at least once a day!"....
Ali xox
>>>Shop for Dr Brown's Bottles >>>> Shop for Gia Feeding Pillow