All you need to know about your baby growth

With childbirth comes parenting and with parenting comes many responsibilities. It is important to understand the needs of your baby from as early as its birth and keep a track of what is good for it. Babies are delicate and require a lot of attention and care especially during the first twelve months because that is the time when they grow a lot. They reach quite a few milestones through their development. In this article, we will answer all the questions that you may have about your baby’s growth and give you a guide about baby growth.

How can I stimulate my baby’s growth?

Babies grow brain-cell connections called neural synapses during their first years. When we provide the babies with language rich experiences that are full of love, they acquire planning, and reasoning skills as well as rich language. Here are some ways how you can stimulate your baby’s growth-

More use of hands: It has been observed that babies tend to become more attentive and engaged when we physically interact with them. Thus, play games like peekaboo, patty-cake, etcetera. These games involve the use of hands and ignite the spark of imagination in your babies.
Get cuddly with your baby: Babies love to have their tummies and hair stroked. Stroking them while talking to them also helps them pay attention to what you are speaking.
Boost the baby talk: Certain areas of a baby’s brain that are responsible for understanding speech and acquiring language. To stimulate these areas, you must respond to your baby’s coos with high pitched sounds, delighted vocals and facial expressions that are exaggerated.
More massages: Babies tend to feel more secure emotionally and lesser stressed when given body massages. They also feel more loved and this in turn promotes growth in them.
Positive approach: Never frighten or shame your babies for anything that they do. Use a soft and consistent tone while speaking to your baby about what is right and wrong.

How can I track my baby’s growth?

You can track your baby’s growth by referring to the growth charts provided by its paediatrician or the hospital. Usually, there are separate charts for its height and weight. Every time you go for a check-up, carry these charts for the doctor to get them updated. You can also weigh your baby at home using a regular scale and measure its length with a measuring tape.

How does a baby grow after birth?

During the first month, your baby’s weight may drop initially but will go back to normal again. The baby starts to recognize its mother’s voice and gets startled at noise. Its head has to be supported at all times and all the limb movements are reflex motions.

By the end of the second moth, babies learn to relax their muscles. They can lift their head up to 45 degrees while lying on their tummy. Some babies also learn to roll over one way.

By the end of the fourth month, babies can stretch out their limbs and roll over from both back and front to sides. They also tend to hold up their heads to look for movements and can hold objects for a longer period of time. They can also lift their heads about 90 degrees and hold hands together.
By the end of the sixth month, babies learn to hold their heads steady and sit with their backs straight when propped. They can roll in both directions and wiggle forward on the floor.

How long does it take a baby to grow an inch?

Babies grow half to one inch every month from birth to the age of six months. On an average, babies growth about ten inches during the first twelve months.

How can I tell if my baby is intelligent?

The babies grow a lot during the first twelve months and reach a number of milestones through their development. Babies that hit milestones earlier than other babies their age generally tend to be more intelligent, stated speech pathology Sydney. Intelligent babies have a very good attention span. They also enjoy solving problems and extremely curious about little things.

Is it OK for babies to watch sensory videos?

Babies enjoy the combination of colours and sounds and sensory videos use these colours and sounds to stimulate a baby’s mind. However, if babies are exposed to these videos in excess, they tend to get less physical more lethargic. Too much screen time may also cause the baby sleeping difficulties.


Watching your baby grow up is a delightful and fun process. Always try to keep it as simple and playful as you can. We hope that this article was helpful to you to understand the entire process of baby growth.